Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I have it from excellent sources, (My Bunco Group) that this is the place to do your Christmas Shopping in Birmingham. Christmas Village was fun, but things were a little too country and primitive for my taste, ( I didn't buy a thing except food mixes, not a good thing). According to the shopping experts, (again, My Bunco Group), this is the place to knock out a Christmas list. Actually they wanted us to all go together on Thursday, the first day, but unfortunately some of us have jobs. Someday, I will know how how it feels to be one of the lucky ones that doesn't have to get up and go to work EVERYDAY OF MY FREAKIN' LIFE.
(sorry, I just lose control every now and then)
I'll just have to wait until Saturday to make my appearance.
Hope they leave me something to buy!

Check it out!


1 comment:

Miss Janice said...

I have always heard it is awesome. I would love to go someday.