Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Renovation Reality has set in!

Let's see today is Wednesday, work was suppose to start on Monday. Has it? Heck no, nobody has bothered to show up. Guess once you make the committment to the contractor he takes his sweet time.

I am sooooooooo frustrated. It's been two weeks and the roof is not completely repaired much less new shingles installed. Monday and Tuesday were absolutely beautiful days here in Birmingham, but no roof work was happening at my house. Builder promises they'll show tomorrow if it's not raining, guess what, weather forecast is rain. Wonder if they can work inside when it rains, hah, I doubt it.

I think I'll take some advice from Bear, just go back to bed and CHILL!!!!!

1 comment:

SarahWhite said...

Gotta love him...Duke would be so jealous!